18 October 2006

Inspector Clouseau lectures U. S. on moral high ground

Earlier this morning I heard a few segments of an interview with Hans Blix. He criticizes our telling North Korea that they can’t conduct nuclear weapons testing while we maintain our freedom to do so. Given that ‘hypocrisy’ he doesn’t think the U. S. are standing on very solid moral high ground.

But that’s only because of his moral equivocating. A nation is a nation. Any nation is free to do whatever any other nation is free to do. If we’re free to maintain a nuclear arsenal, any other nation should also be.

Right. And the registered sex offender who just moved into Blix’s neighborhood should be permitted to baby-sit his grandchildren. The rest of us can.

Clearly there is a bit more to moral high ground than superficial similarities. One has to take into account important, even if not glaringly obvious, dissimilarities. And if Blix can't see that there is an important difference between the nations of the Western world and nations like Iran and North Korea then it’s no wonder that he couldn’t find WMD in Iraq. (Oh, that’s right. The media keep telling us that there never were any WMD in Iraq.)

I wonder if Blix’s apparent conviction that all nations should be free to develop WMD had anything to do with his inability to find any in Iraq. Maybe, due to his conviction, he just wasn’t trying very hard.


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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