30 May 2007
UPDATE (to the previous posting): Michael Gerson explains how it is that people (whom he refers to as “anti-immigrant”, rather than “anti-illegal immigrant”) who want laws respected are really just fear mongers, or worse: harmful to the GOPS’s future. (On the subject of lawlessness it is interesting to note part of Gerson’s argument: if the enforcement of a set laws will prove politically disadvantageous to the GOP such laws must be changed.) Like Linda Chavez and Ruben Navarette, Gerson apparently believes that making assertions about opponents, rather than offering logical rejoinder, in disposing of opponents’ arguments is not logically fallacious. Be that as it may, is Andy Ramirez a racist?

Heather McDonald responds to Gerson


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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