16 November 2007

The Empress Strikes Back!

A distillation of the debate as reported here:

Clinton: You other candidates are distorting my record.
Others (in unison, with Obama hands clasped in front of him, clearly hearing the National Anthem playing somewhere): No we're not.
Clinton: Yes, you are.
Others (in unison, Edwards poofing his hair): NO, WE'RE NOT!
Clinton: Yes, you are and you're slinging mud too, just like Republicans.
Others (in unison, Biden trying to look like he's been able to keep up): Hey, take that back!
Clinton (trying to overcome the damage done by her campaign's complaining about how the guys keeping beating up on her, a poor, virtually single mother, still married -- and faithful -- to a philandering horn dog): And your doing it not because I'm a woman but because I'm ahead.

After having assumed multiple positions on issues like the war in Iraq and licenses for illegal aliens, Mrs. Clinton had the temerity to assert, “The American people know where I stand.”

Yes. With both feet planted firmly on a single pair of water skis, but holding on to ski ropes fastened to two boats, not exactly traveling in the same direction.

I'm still trying to figure out this assertion by Obama: "As long as we're distracted by this problem, we're not solving it."

Politiconese -- it's like a whole other language.


James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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