13 December 2007

Diminutive Giants

In this lecture on "Aidan and Lindisfarne", J. Steven Wilkins lists seven characteristics of Aidan and Hilda that characterized the lives of them both -- as well as others of the same period.

1. love of peace, charity, sincere desire for unity,humility (refusual to exalt yourself)
2. contentedness, lack of greed and avarice,
3. diligence in study and service,
4. faithfulness to obey,
5. being persons of integrity and consistency,
6. compassion to those who suffer,
7. devotion to Christ

It's not just that they had those qualities. It's that they had them to the n th degree.

I feel so inadequate.


James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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