04 March 2008

All the conveniences...

My wife and I have different views of necessities and luxuries. I'm a bit too spartan for her tastes. I think our living room suit is beyond what we really need (that futon was more than adequate); she thinks it was a steal. I think we have perhaps three times as many movies as we should; she's just getting started, I'm sure. When I married her my entire furniture collection amounted to a bed, dresser, desk and chair, table and two chairs. No, it wasn't the best situation for entertaining guests, but then that wasn't a priority.

One thing upon which we both agree: There's nothing like an infectious illness to make you appreciate the convenience of indoor plumbing. If you get my meaning.


James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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