18 April 2007

I don't really care, but I'm happy about it nevertheless:

Sanjaya is going home.

Oh, look at the little sissy cry.

I know I sound mean when I say that, but it's my up-bringing. Crying was very frowned upon. It's that whole hispanic "machismo" thing. In fact, sometimes, crying would be rewarded with discipline. (Harsh-sounding, I know. But on the other hand we learned early that crying was most definitely NOT!!! the way to get our way.)

Ugh! Seeing people cry is almost as uncomfortable as seeing old people get frisky. (I saw my great-grand-father cop a feel of great-grandma's breast once. Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! They were in their 80s for crying out loud!)

Bye, bye Sanjaya you no-talent cry-baby. Go home. Drop the estrogen from your diet and join a gym.


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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