24 April 2006

Mexico calls them criminals. Why can't we?

We all know how Mexico thinks we should treat illegal immigrants, or at least illegal immigrants coming in from Central and South America.  But it is interesting to take note of how Mexico treats illegals coming in from its south.  While Mexico complains about our threat to make being here illegally a crime, this is precisely what Mexico has done.  Being in Mexico illegally is a felony.  Someone who commits a felony is called a felon; a felon is a criminal.  So, while illegals here object to being called criminals for being here; Mexico has no hesitation to do just that.  Do these illegals (and not all illegals are Mexicans) know that Mexico does what they object to us doing?

It makes you wonder (doesn’t it?) why illegals in Mexico don’t protest Mexico’s treatment of them.  Do you think we shall see illegal Guatemalan immigrants marching and waving the flag of Guatemala on Mexican soil?  I don’t think so: they know what Mexico will do to them.  Actually, Mexico (in the sense of any element of the government, federal, state or local) probably won’t have to lift a finger; the citizens on the street will deal with a Guatemala-flag-waving-illegal-protesting-immigrant!  And it won’t be pretty.

So why aren’t they afraid to wave their flag here?  It is because they have been emboldened by organizations like La Raza and others who feed them the line of garbage that this is their country after all, and the Mexican flag ought to be waving over it.  And also, they are likely convinced that we, unlike Mexico, are a nation of feminized sissies who won’t do anything about it because we are too afraid of them.  But I covered that briefly in a previous post.


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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