07 June 2007
According to Lindsey Graham people like me view bipartisanship as heresy. And that, apparently, explains our antipathy towards the immigration bill. He could not be more mistaken. I think most of us see bipartisanship as irrelevant. Graham would have us believe that our opposition to the present immigration bill is grounded not in any flaw we see in the bill itself (God forbid!), but in its being bipartisan.

We don't like the bill because it's bipartisan? Let's say there was another bill, giving to every illegal immigrant male the right to sodomize any legal immigrant male, and that this bill had wide bipartisan support. I would be opposed to it.

Pop quiz, Senator Graham: Is my opposition to such a bill grounded in the fact that I believe forced sodomy is wrong, or in the fact that the bill has bipartisan support?

Will I have to tolerate Graham chastising me for believing that bipartisanship is heretical?

My but these politicians are kind to themselves.

UPDATE: Senator Graham says that the purpose of this legislation is to "make them right with the law." Something about his phraseology doesn't seem quite right. Shouldn't he have said that the purpose of the legislation is to make the law right with them, to make the laws conform to their behavior? Too bad Senator Graham is not God. For if he were he would justify poor sinners by simply rescinding the Law. The LORD GRAHAM would say, "You poor people. Requiring that you not steal, murder, commit adultery, dishonor your parents and all that other silliness is just too difficult for you. I can see that now. So, I'll tell you what. I'm going to make you right with Me by rescinding all those difficult laws. From now on, you are all righteous."


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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