28 September 2005

Sunday School public policy lessons?

Hillary Clinton, speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus, said she attended Sunday School as a child, but must have missed the lesson on taking care of the rich rather than the poor. Yes? Well, I also missed several lessons, apparently. I missed the lesson on patting yourself on the back for taking care of the poor with money that isn't yours, and in fact was stolen from rich people. I also missed the lesson which taught us that taking care of the poor is the government's responsibility and not mine.

ATTENTION LIBERALS: Don't tell me that I fulfill my obligation to the poor through actions taken--on my behalf--by my government. You may as well try to tell me that I can fulfill my sexual obligations to my wife through some actions taken--on my behalf--by my government. (Yes and I'm sure I know a certain former president who would like to head up that governmental department!) In both cases, I flatter myself to think I can do a better job! (There is a logical fallacy [i.e., composition] involved in this liberal assertion, but I don't want to trouble them about logic. Many of them just can't--and wont--be bothered with it.)

Oh, yeah! Who really cares what Hillary Clinton was taught in Sunday School? From a Democrat perspective it can have no possible relevance to politics. After all, Democrats are the same people who by and large remind us of the "separation" of church and state when Republicans talk about ethical issues they care about, issues which have even the most tenuous of connections to Scripture. So what about that, Hillary? What about that "separation" of church and state thing?


Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah! Who really cares what Hillary Clinton was taught in Sunday School? From a Democrat perspective it can have no possible relevance to politics. After all, Democrats are the same people who by and large remind us of the "separation" of church and state when Republicans talk about ethical issues they care about, issues which have even the most tenuous of connections to Scripture. So what about that, Hillary? What about that "separation" of church and state thing?

That all gets thrown out the window when you are trying to fool people into thinking you are a moderate so that they will vote for you when you run for President. My biggest fear is that people will be fooled into believing Hillary is a moderate and that she will become President. Great site, btw.

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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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