17 April 2007
Well, the worldwide bitchfest about our “gun” culture resumes. (Ironically, on the same day that the mayor of Nagasaki is shot to death. And the Japanese have some very strict gun control laws. It may even be against the law to commit murder there.)

Frankly, when people talk about our gun culture I decide that they have very little idea what the word
culture even means. If we truly had a “gun” culture, what happened yesterdy would not have happened: fewer people would have been murdered because the lone gunman would not have been the lone gunman. If we truly had a gun culture these things would happen more frequently than they do, which they don’t. (H/T: Instapundit)

The word culture has many meanings, probably the best is
worldview. We don’t have gun worldview. And our culture, whatever it is, is more sexualized and “pornified” than it is “gunified.”

Oh yes. We do have weapons. I think the number is 80 million. There are 80 million guns in this country. In the worst massacre in our history, with 80 million guns hanging around, 32 people were murdered and their murderer committed suicide.

According to the murderer himself,
Cho Seung Hui, the reason those people died was “rich kids,” and “debauchery” among other things. I doubt anyone, much less Europeans, will blame our crass materialism, our sexualized culture. It’s the gun, always the gun.

The gun made him do it.

There are those who think there should be fewer guns. But I remember in elementary school we did boxing for P.E. Everyone boxed. How many fights do you think broke out in my school? Not as many as occurred in other areas. You might think with all of us boys being taught how to box that there would be “matches” (or hockey games) breaking out all the time. Nope. Know why? Because we all knew how to box. Are there any bullies in dojos? I doubt it. My point? Cho Seung Hui knew that he would not be significantly opposed yesterday. Had he known that he would be walking into a classroom full of students, all or most of whom equally as armed and dangerous as he, then he would have gone elsewhere yesterday. It’s called healthy respect. Kind of like an elementary school where every boy knows how to box.

(No doubt Rosie O’Donnell has an opinion on the subject of guns and gun control. But who really cares? After all,
this is a woman who thinks that fire cannot melt steel.)


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James Frank Solís
Former soldier (USA). Graduate-level educated. Married 26 years. Texas ex-patriate. Ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
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